Recent Posts

  1. URGENT: Olga Ivanovna, Director of NBH, sick, breast cancer!

    Updated news October 1st, 2015 Olga was in Kiev and is back home, tumor size reduced!

    Olga Ivanovna, Director of the Nikolaiev Baby House (NBH), has developed cancer and requires urgent treatment. Unfortunately in Ukraine, patients have to pay everything themselves. Public health insurance does not exist and Olga will receive only the treatment she can pay for. If she cannot pay for required medication (chemo therapy), she will not get it. We need donations! more

  2. Isolation Room at NBH

    Updated news April 4th, 2015 isolation room project completed!

    The main purpose of the isolation room is to prevent contagious diseases from being spread from a child to other children. If a child gets ill and doctors suspect any kind of infection it must immediately be separated from the rest of the children. In this case it is put in the isolation room. There a child will be properly examined, diagnosed and treated till there is no more danger for the other children in their group.

    The two big rooms contain several beds each (which from the very beginning ruins the idea of children being separated from each other), a small kitchen and a bathroom. Everything is in terrible state and does not correspond to todays standards nor sanitary norms. In such a state it cannot avoid infections from spreading but could itself become the source of infections.

    We plan to rebuild the two rooms by making more small rooms, divided by plastic walls, with one bed in each room and also repair the kitchen and the bathroom so ill children will be able to recover quickly.

    Total cost of this project is $10.000. It will be one of the main project for 2014.
    The realization of this project will:
    – allow treating of the infectious diseases within the orphanage;
    – decrease sickness rate among the children;
    – improve living conditions of the children (especially of ill children).

    Update January 2015
    We are glad to inform you that in spite of all difficulties: terrible inflation in Ukraine and complicated political situation, in October we have started the biggest project of 2014 – the repair of Isolation room at NBH.

    No need to tell that LAdS builds all life supporting systems (electrical, water supply and sewerage systems) from zero, completely new.

    Much attention is paid to proper isolation of the walls; of course, under the conditions when nobody knows how much the gas will cost… it has become question number one.

    New metal – plastic construction, which will separate small boxes for ill children have been ordered and installed.

    The project is in its finishing phase: new tiles in the bathroom and kitchen look great.

    Considering terrible inflation in the country sponsor had to unite the efforts: thus lot’s of materials were bought with the help of another sponsors both foreign and local.
    Besides, our friends and partners Helen and Jim Smith completely paid new custom made furniture for the whole isolation block! (the furniture is being made)
    Without such collaboration and bringing attempts together this project would never be possible.
    Millions of thanks for all participating parts!

    Update April 2015

    We have great news! Isolation room is FINISHED!!!

    Now instead of two big rooms with many beds there are four separate blocks, which are separated from each other by plastic walls.

    The isolation room has a completely equipped kitchen and a bathroom so that ill children can be taken care of absolutely separate from the rest of the kids which prevents spreading of any infection.

    The post of the nurse can give odds to the best hospitals of Ukraine. Such working conditions will allow necessary and quick medical help.

    Please help and visit this page to find out how you can donate!
    Or just click on the “PayPal Donate” logo in the right column.

  3. Anti-Flu Vaccine for NBH 2014

    We are happy and proud to inform, that for the 6th year in a row our friends Helen und Jim Smith from Svieta USA bought anti-flu vaccine for NBH.


  4. New therapy room project for NBH has started

    Updated news here!
    At the moment there are 135 children at NBH; 90% of them have affection of central nervous system, or musculoskeletal system, or hearing and sight, or inborn and hereditary disabilities of different levels; 40% of those children suffer additionally from cerebral palsy. more

  5. Flu Vaccine for NBH 2013

    It has already become a good tradition that in autumn our friends and sponsors Helen and Jim Smith buy anti-flu vaccine and anti-virus medicaments for the children of NBH.
    This year has not become an exception and NBH was provided with the necessary amounts of vaccine and medics in the beginning of the cold season.


  6. Nikolaiev Baby House laundry renovation

    Update from March 26th, 2013
    Repair of main laundry room of NBH is now terminated. It is not only clean and nice but also meets all sanitary requirements. The laundry is now fit to handle daily load of lining and children clothes.

    Water supply and sewage systems have been completely replaced. This avoid high humidity in the room as it was with previous leaking one.

    We heartedly thank everybody who donated money to this project. THANK YOU!

    There are still some repairs to be done in other rooms of the laundry, like replace some windows and floors, for example.

    Please visit this page to find out how you can donate!
    Or just click on the “PayPal Donate” logo in the right column.


  7. Alla needs heart surgery, please help

    Update from April 3rd
    Alla travelled to Children’s Cardio Center in Kiev and was successfully operated in the beginning of March.

    Post operation period ran more or less smoothly for about a month and Alla came back home, to NBH.

    At the moment she’s doing great, her life is out of danger and we heartedly thank our American friends and sponsors Helen and Jim, who paid for the operation and helped to safe her life. A BIG THANK YOU!!! more

  8. Flu vaccine for NBH 2012

    As always at the beginning of winter 2012 Olga Ivanovna (chief doctor of NBH) requested our help to pay for anti flu injections…. And as always our American friends and sponsors Helen and Jim Smith agreed to help and pay for vaccination. With the help of their money more than 150 doses were bought.


  9. Viktoriya Yurjevna urgently needs kidney transplantation – please help

    Viktoriya Yurjevna (Vika) was born on January 22nd 2001. She comes from socially unstable family, her mother was a drug addict and died in 2010. Her father is alcohol addicted, unemployed and has no permanent place to live. In November 2012 the girl was taken away from her father by court decree. Now Vika is an orphan and lives at NBH Nikolaiev Baby House). more

  10. Vika & Vera will travel to Evpatoriya (Crimea)

    During spring 2010 trip, NBH director, Olga Ivanovna, introduced us to two new girls recently arrived at the orphanage. Both do suffer from severe orthopedic issue with legs, preventing them to walk alone and even to stand up alone for Vika.

