Board meeting
On January 7, the Friends of Svieta Board of Directors met with our colleagues from Svieta USA via Zoom meeting.

At the top of the zoom picture you can see the members of the board of Friends of Svieta. Below the two representatives of Svieta USA Jim and Helen. We wanted to find out from Vika what the current living situation is like at the NBH orphanage and where we can help. Because of the war, all hospitals, all schools, all children’s homes etc. have to get new air-raid shelters. The waiting list is long. There is no quotation or cost estimate for NBH yet. However, we assume that such an air-raid shelter will cost far more than CHF 100,000 (more than US$ 100,000). Presumably the necessary builders, as well as materials such as bricks and mortar, are in short supply due to the war. At the beginning of 2024, it does not look like Friends of Svieta will be able to actively help finance one or more air-raid shelters.
We are now clarifying what other needs the 8 children in NBH currently have. They probably have everything, as NBH was built for 200 children.
The war is making everything more difficult in Ukraine.
We will inform you again.
Thank you for your support and donations last year.
At the moment we have no concrete needs.