3 new NBH children need a bailout

This is an archive page of Les Amis de Svieta from 2000-2021

Nikolaiev Baby House (NBH) director and chief Doctor Olga Ivanovna has presented us Svetlana Igorievna, Svetlana Anatolievna and Olga.
All three arrived to Nikolaiev Baby House with a congenital heart disease diagnosis that needs to be operated.

All 3 travelled to Kiev Cardio Center (KCC) last October and had their diagnosis confirmed.

Svetlana A. and Olga S. in Kiev

They all will need cardiac surgery very soon and we ask you for help and support in order to organize their next visit to KCC.
Considering girls actual health conditions, we foresee this operation for first quarter 2009.
Total amount required is US$ 3,600 (~ € 2’800 or ~ CHF 4’300).
Please help save the life of these three girls.
Find out how you can make your donations here and if you live in the United States here!
or just click on the “PayPal Donate” button in the right column of this page!