Robert passed away

Update 17.1.2023
Sad news: we learned today that Robert passed away unexpectedly two weeks after his discharge from the hospital in Kiev. He was treated in the hospital in Nikolaiev, where he eventuelly suffered from a cardiac arrest.
We had tried everything to help Robert, but he had too many problems. In the end, maybe it is better for Robert this way. The director Nataliya Grigorenko is very grateful for the help that Friends of Svieta had provided for Robert.

Update 21.11.2022
Robert will remain in the hospital for another month.
Thanks to the help of Svieta (USA) Inc. the financing of this stay could be secured.

Robert after the surgery

It is planned that Robert will stay in Kiev for a total of one month: one week in the surgical department and three weeks in the therapeutic department. Nataliya Grigorenko, the director of NBH, is asking Friends of Svieta to pay the nurse’s salary. We have already paid for 9 days, so 21 days more * 250 hrv = 5,250 ~ 138€/$.
In addition, the cost of therapy and hospitalization will be much higher than we initially expected. We expected 10,000 hrv and now we were told that it can be up to 50,000 hrv because Robert needs very expensive medication (+1’050 €/$).

Update 1.11.2022
Robert has arrived at the hospital in Kiev.

Robert in hospital

Update 30.10.2022
As we know, Robert has tracheotomy, which must be renewed urgently. Besides it is planned that he will also get a gastrostomy.

This is an artificially created connection between the stomach and the abdominal wall through which a feeding tube can be placed. For these two operations Robert will be taken on Monday (31.10.) to Kiev‘s hospital OXMADET to the department of children‘s surgery.
Robert will travel to Kiev by amulance, suplpied by the hospital so we do not need to pay for the trip itself. Nataliya Grigorenko asks instead to pay the salary of the nurse, who will stay with Robert in Kiev.

Robert in ambulance

We expect a 7 to 10 days trip at 250 hrv per day.
Besides Friends of Svieta is asked to pay for the Stoma Robert needs, for this artificial connection from the stomach to the surface of the body for artificial feeding.
We expect costs of 12,500 hrv which is equal to € 350 / US$ 350.

Update 17.09.2022
In spring 2022 we were planning to take Robert to Kiev for consultation but because of the war did not manage. Together with the other children of NBH the Robert has been evacuated to Chernovtsy. His state has gotten worse there and he was transferred to local children`s hospital. Robert is currently at the department of intensive care. Everything the boy needs is given and paid by the charitable association „the city of goodness“. There is nothing we can do for him at the moment.

Update 19.2.2022
The boy was born in March of 2019 in Zhitomir and abandoned by his mother right after birth. Robert suffers of a whole list of things: congenital cerebral palsy, psycho-motor developmental delay, fused toes, congenital deformity of the head, irritable bowel syndrome, cardiomyopathy, atrophy of the optic disk.


Till June 2021 he was living at Zhitomir‘s baby house. Unfortunately this establishment did not have necessary means to help the child and his state was getting worse. It was decided to transfer Robert to Nikolaev‘s baby house (NBH) where he lives since June 2021 and his state is getting better but he still needs serious treatment and rehabilitation.
In Spring we may also have to take Robert in spring to Kiev’s children’s hospital and Institute of orthopedics for consultation.

Nataliya (Chief doctor of NBH) would like to buy medicines he needs, pay for supportive therapies und provide him with better nutrition. This will cost €50 per month.

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